Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Second year, semester 1.


Well, this is the extension from the previous post. I haven't talk about my semester sangat pun. I know. Sorry. 

So.. I took 

1. Genetic engineering
2. Mycology
3. Basic genetic
4. English
6. Budi penyayang (kokurikulum)

Well, all these subjects required assignment with tons of literature reviews (journal and article). Insane! I know right. This semester is the start of all busy-ness.. Okay. calm down.. Haha.. Well this semester I took 15 credited hours and this time the study week was quite long.. About 2 weeks. Mesti korang fikir I have plenty of time for study kan? Haha, nope. I wasn't studying gila-gila. And I am not born to do so. So.. I will start study when I feel like to and I am study group kind of person. But also, I need some time to study individually first.

I don't like this semester that much since I was really busy. I don't have much time to complete my work as perfectly as I wanted. I mean memang laa siap jea, But I don't relly satisfied. Tapi sokay. Semuanya dah berlalu.. Result pun dah keluar. Alhamdulillah it wasn't as excellent as previous sem but still above my expectation. Alhamdulillah :)

All those hard work was totally worth it.

Well, as I said this semester was quite busy.. Let me just share some of the moments 

This semester:

I moved to a new house :) Taman sebelah jea XD *tak ada sebab-sebab yang menyebabkan kitorang kena pindah.. 

Jadi fasi lagi.. yay :D

My cousin got married <3

The bridesmaid

GE lab members: Syafiq, Me, Bella and Anis
Syafiq is a bruneian (is that a word idk) 

The most bizarre presentation ever! Macam viva rasanya.. Asyik kena shoot jea.. Sabo jea laa. Seb baik result ok.. Alhamdulillah..

TNRM in the action! (Budi penyayang)

Cat neuter day!

Sesi menculik kucing-kucing jantan di UTM
Perasan tak siapa driver `__` hehe. Ya sayaaaaaaa XD This semester, I have enough courage to drive a car yay! Alhamdulillah. But for this time around.. Dalam UTM jea laa. Luar tu.. Kena fikir 14 kali. Kenapa 14? Sukati laa.. HAHA.. Alhamdulillah dengan bantuan  supporters semua. Cerita kalau nak balik rumah.. I masih bergantung to my parents. I'll call them so they guide me from front. It's quite scary bila keluar UTM. So I main dalam jea. UTM besar apa. So doakan saya supaya dapat keberanian bawak luar pulak. Sokay pelan-pelan. It's a process c:

The scratches that I made.. Ni bila I keluar UTM.. kat Aeon -,- I'm sorry Encik Viva.. Huhu. I didn't mean to hurt you. But I did..

PET Expo at Danga City Mall

Menunggu hari neuter

To Danga City Mall w/ keyra and hajar

Kucing ni nama dia Masturah :3 

Ok. Maybe this TNRM is the highlight of my whole one semester. Since this TNRM that make me so busy. From, kutip donation, jaga gerai, tangkap kucing, jaga kucing, tengok proses neuture, BUAT SIJIL, jaga booth, beri kesedaran tentang TNRM. Yup. Those things. Mana laa saya pernah buat. So this is EXPERIENCE for me. Lagi-lagi buat sijil part. In the beginning, I was the one yang volunteer nak buat.. Nak try benda baru kononnya.. Which kena guna a little photoshop skills and creativity.. It ended up took me about 3 weeks to a month just to settle up this certificate. About 30+ copies of sijil that I have to do. Alhamdulillah, terkenangkan benda tu dah siap.. Such a relief. To be honest, buat sijil banyak menggangu kerja saya yang lain. Sebab stuck dengan sijil jea. Banyak kali kena edit.. Since I have to consult with the lecturer first. But at the end, semuanya membuahkan hasil :) Well, as I said before. This is such an EXPERIENCE for me. This whole TNRM thing really taught me to be really patient, to be tolerant and also confident..

Designs that I came up with:

He chose this one

I know it wasn't that cool.. I am just a beginner. Semoga lepas ni I'll be more creative and more better with photoshop.

There were a lot of dramas with this Koq.. But yeah. It's over and I am happy now XD

I bought new phone

There were a lot of things happened during this semester yet it is impossible to list down of of them. The bitter sweet moments, tears and smiles. Well, at the end of the day, that is life.. as a normal human being. Maybe it will be different if I am anak datuk or something.

We ending our semester w/ jalan-jalan dengan geng kak hajar <3

Korean food
Sutera Mall

From left: Kak Hajar, Me, Syikin, Kimah, Syera, Keyra, Ati and Kak Akma

After we all dah berjalan ke Sutera mall, Aeon Tebrau.. Kami pun pulang. To really wrap the semester up.. We made a makan-makan lagi.. But kali ni kat bilik jea. Bilik Fahda.. Sekali ngan birthday surprise for Atilea :)

Carbonara Fahda (dapat banyak compliment <3)

Steam bot ala student

Since me and Kak Akma balik a little bit lambat.. Kitorang pi berenang di Swimming pool UTM :D

Nope. I can't swim XP But kak Akma ajar saya. First masuk I was freaked out.. Haha.. Paras dagu kot kedalaman dia.. Haha.. Oh kak Wani pun ada.. Such a funny day :P

Kak Akma, Me, Kak Nab and Kak Wani *Bidadari <3

Babai! Jumpa sem depan In shaa Allah :)

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Saya milik Allah

Assalamualaikum :)

I suggested y'all make yourself some tea or snack and lets get through my semester together. Well what a hectic, stressful and busy semester. I bet this is the starting semester where my remaining semester will be as hectic or even worst than this one. You know what. I don't wanna say that I am a active person when it comes to programs. But, surprisingly, this semester I am barely joined any of the programs. I'm just trying so hard for the credited subject. The assignment were just so bizarre. Journals and articles is my everyday thing. Oh yeah, all those torture ended last January 9th. In shaa Allah, whatever the result is.. I have done the effort part, may Allah gives me the result that  reflects my effort. I know that He knows everything that good for me. Even the bad things happen, deep down.. There will be the bright side. Just how I see it, or y'all see it :)

Alhamdulillah, I still alive and still living as a muslim, the biggest nikmat that we often forget. This semester kind of changing the inner me. When I analyzed the nasheed that has line: Ingat 5 perkara, sebelum lima perkara... lapang sebelum sempit.. That particular line really got me. Since this semester really challenged me with my time management. I have to settle up my koQ, assignments, tests, presentations, lab reports and the most importantly usrah. Yup.. y'all panggil dak2 usrah.. Haha. Well, yes.. Saya masuk usrah..

Alhamdulillah, masih lagi yang peduli masalah ummat yang tunggang langgang. Yang sentiasa berada di zon kelabu. FITRAH. You have one point that you really want to change and to be a better muslim. Well, to be honest, I thought usrah is something like you want to balancing your temporary life (dunya) with the afterlife (akhirat).. That is one of the objective.. But as I goes deep into this usrah thing, it widens my mind and importantly my heart .. I am still learning and I am trying to remove all the unnecessary things left inside myself to purify my iman. I am not maksum that free from sins. Sometimes, I attracted to my desires and you know syaitan that will not give up with their promise.

My parent(s).. They kinda not liking me join this usrah. Since one of them does not know who is Syeikh Qutb and Hasan Al-Banna. So, for this time around I keep my mouth shut from saying usrah or what so ever that related in front of them. In shaa Allah, one day I hope they will understand, not only why I joined usrah.. But also why usrah is so much important. For all muslimin and muslimat this akhir zaman. But after all, usrah pun ada banyak. So choose the right one. Doakan saya yaa sahabat2 untuk saya dan kalian menuju Ustaziyatul Alam bersama.. Bagaimana 313 orang yang menaikkan Islam pada zaman dahulu.. Begitu juga kita. Akhir nanti, Islam akan tegak semula.. Percaya lah.

Jika ujian muslim lain bermain dengan darah.. Ujian kita di Malaysia adalah KESIBUKAN, PERCINTAAN, HARTA, HIBURAN. Kita sudah sebati dengan elemen duniawi yang bersifat fanak ni.. How cheap all those tests for Firdausi? It seems that people does not serious in entering Jannah. The ultimate happiness beyond our imagination. 

Akak-akak usrah yang datang tu cuma mengingatkan kita. Menjalankan dakwah. Kita? Kita juga perlu meniti ilmu Allah dan memahami isi kandungan Al-quran untuk mencapai kejayaan di Akhirat. Kerana menjadi da'ie itu adalah kewajipan semua muslim. Nanti masa hari perhitungan.. Kau nak jawab apa kalau Allah tanya "Apa yang kau buat untuk agamaKu?". Do you want to be the person that simply answer "Aku sibuk study mengejar cita-cita sedang mereka yang lain sedang terseksa di Syria, tertindas di Rohingya". To clear things up, there is no wrong on pursuing your dreams. But in the way pursuing your dreams never ever forget our objective of life. I mean our objective of life. Menjadi abid dan khalifah. In shaa Allah, kita niatkan segala yang kita lakukan untuk Allah. Ia akan menjadi ibadah. The khalifah part. Khalifah or pemimpin. Memimpin siapa? Diri, keluarga, masyarakat dll. untuk apa? Memakmurkan bumi pinjaman Allah. Well, y'all see bumi kita macam mana sekarang? Makmur ke? Without Khalifah yang memimpin.

After sistem khalifah dilupuskan.. Nasib muslim kucar-kacir. And the product of that muslim is us now. Jauh dari Islam. After Islam jatuh, guess who menaik? Barat.. And at that moment, sekularisme, liberalisme pun menular... entertainment, technologies that makes muslims further away from Islam.

Perjuangan Nabi, sahabat2 nabi.. hancur.. And kita biar ia sebagai satu sejarah jea. Me too at first. But my perspective had changed. It is our duty to bring Islam back! The way it starts when Prophet Muhammad brought Islam, it has to be the same way to start but in this case.. us, muslims. We start at the very beginning. Tanamkan iman dalam individu untuk menghasilkan individu muslim.

Hasil carian imej untuk ustaziatul alam

When people starts to say usrah is nonsense and "sesat".. At first, saya pun termakan dengan momokan tu.. But you know what. I give it a go and let see what happen. At first memang rasa like.. Kenapa ada usrah time nak ada assignment, test, final.. Usrah tu bukan lama pun. 1-2 jam.. And kau ada 24 jam. Takkan nak belajar agama Allah yang dipayungi malaikat dan didoakan makhluk lain pun kau tolak? Bukan ambil separuh hari masa kau pun. Tapi, sejujurnya first2 pun saya rasa ini adalah cabaran. Peperangan antara hawa nafsu serta syaitan.. Haha. In shaa Allah, Allah beri kekuatan untuk saya dan kalian.

Hasil carian imej untuk wasilah tarbiyah

And untuk menaiki ke tangga UA it is not enough with only usrah. But the main thing is usrah. Ada daurah, khatibah, muhayyam, tamrin, rehlah, jaulah dan riadah. You can search the meaning of these wasilah for further detail.

Tuntasnya, bangunlah kalian dari mimpi yang panjang. Setiap hari, kita hampir dengan kematian. Sudah sangat kemanisan yang disaji dengan dunia ni. Sehingga ia menjadi penyakit.. Nak ke kita tergolong dengan orang yang disebut dalam hadis. Orang yang berpenyakit wahn.. Wahn itu adalah apabila seseorang itu sangat mencintai dunia dan takut akan kematian.. Mari kita bersama-sama menimba ilmu Allah, bukan terhad untuk ustazah, ustaz, pelajar aliran agama... Muslim. Ini tanggungjawab setiap muslim untuk melengkapi tujuan hidup. Semoga kita diberi kefahaman agama.. In shaa Allah..


Asslamualaikum kepada hambaNya :) Dalam catatan Majmuk Rasail ada potongan ayat yang menarik perhatian ana untuk sentiasa membacanya. Dan ...