Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weeeee :3


*Lap sikit,bersarang blog I ni..

As you all tahu Masturah sekarang tengah belajar and ambil program Pure Bio. Tak senang ye pembaca sekalian. Tak senang. They said degree life is more relaxing. I repeat RELAXING! Haha, realitinya tak. Since pensyarah akan ajar ala kadar and the rest our own responsibilities.. So, me as a student should work more than what I have done for my foundation studies.. Ye laa, asasi masih lagi diajar satu per satu.

My previous post was about my sorrow.. Disebabkan takde roomate right? Alhamdulillah, now I can adapt myself to stay here alone in my room. I have a great jiran. She is one and only jiran and classmate yang paling dekat. Selang beberapa bilik jea. As classmates lain tinggal kat blok lagi satu. Takpelah.. Kita tercampak kat blok lain sebab special case XD..

Since I will be alone when weekends comes, I decided to go back home weekly. So I can just let the washer machine take the job on washing my laundry without me spend some money. I feel so blessed to be so close to home so that Masturah can manja-manja with parents and family. Haha :D  and ofcoz I can make my college at UTM as my secondary home. 

Doakan kejayaan Masturah yaa. Sebab I will take test tomorrow and really, I think that time just too fast that I felt way behind on my tutorials and studies. 

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Asslamualaikum kepada hambaNya :) Dalam catatan Majmuk Rasail ada potongan ayat yang menarik perhatian ana untuk sentiasa membacanya. Dan ...